
Life: Mine, Yours, and ways to make it better plus some other random musings. Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day 17: Wednesday, March 16, 2011

8:00 AM - wake
8:30 AM - breakfast ~6-7oz. venison, sauteed spinach (used the fat from the venison), 3g Vit. C, adrenal complex, 1 cup detox tea
9:30 AM - 2g MSM, 1g Glutamine
12:00 PM - lunch - Grass Fed steak ~4oz., 1 free range chicken leg, steamed veggies, adrenal complex, detox tea
6:30 PM - dinner - 1 can sardines (23P), venison~3oz. with steamed veggies, ~2 tsp. coconut oil
8:30 PM - 1 tbsp blackstrap molasses with a dash of cinammon + ice pack on traps for 20:00
9:00 - 5:20 AM - lights out*

*Slept like shit. Had to get up 3 times. I guess I drink too much water in the evening. I tried the molasses thing as a way to maybe keep sleep constant through blood sugar levels, but it might have kept me awake.

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