
Life: Mine, Yours, and ways to make it better plus some other random musings. Enjoy!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Get out and have some fun!

Exactly what the title says. Last night I went on a walk, barefoot, with the dogs. It ended up being over a mile. Not too short, but no too long either. It's nice to get out like that every now and then. It lets one appreciate the outdoors, if you can call a suburban neighborhood the outdoors. So here is a new goal to be implemented:

"I, state your name, do hereby promise to get outside for at least 30 min a day, excluding workouts. In doing so, I will better myself and bring about more appreciation for nature."

That wasn't so hard now was it? As humans, we were made to be outside. Go hike along the unbeaten path. Go run down a unknown trail. Go fish in a local pond. Go bike. Go throw the damn ball for your dog. Play frisbee. Play a pickup basketball or football game. Just get outside!
Thought for the Day:
"Lift heavy, eat right, drink less, live happy." - Brandon Head
Fast = 18.5 hours breaking at 3:00pm till whenever. All day eats tomorrow!
Got in just over 2400 calories yesterday @ 58:34:8 - bison and salmon were main fare.

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