
Life: Mine, Yours, and ways to make it better plus some other random musings. Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 16: Tuesday, March 15, 2011

5:15 AM - wake, large glass of water
5:40 AM - breakfast ~6 oz. venison, 3-4 cups raw spinach, 3g Vit. C, adrenal complex, 2g MSM
9:00 AM - 2g fish oil, 1 cup detox tea
12:00 PM - lunch - broiled red fish with horseradish mustard, steamed cauliflower. had some olives and tomato sauce leftover from Bev's lunch as well, and a few carrots.
1:00 PM - detox tea
5:00 PM - dinner - broiled red fish with horseradish mustard, steamed cauliflower, 1g glutamine, adrenal complex
7:45 PM - 2 tbsp. almond butter
8:15 PM - 1 cup detox tea*, 12mg melatonin**
8:45 PM - 8:00 AM - Lights out

*Gotta stop drinking this detox tea before I go to bed. I had to get up 3x throughout the night which was tough given the melatonin I took. I tried a higher dose (per Robb Wolf) as the normal 1 tablet dose of 3g doesn't seem to do anything. I was in and out of sleep all night so I think it doesn't help all that much for myself.

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