
Life: Mine, Yours, and ways to make it better plus some other random musings. Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 23: Tuesday, March 22, 2011

5:10 AM - wake, big glass of water
5:25 AM - 10:00 easy row - 2193m
5:40 AM - breakfast - venison and 2 eggs with onion and broccoli, cooked in coconut oil
7:30 AM - 8:15 AM - nap
9:45 AM - package of Blue Diamond almonds (250cals, 22F, 9P)
12:00 PM - lunch - 1/2lb ground grass-fed beef, onion, garlic, roasted asparagus and mushrooms
5:30 PM - few small bites of egg salad (homemade), 2g MSM
6:00 PM - dinner - My Fit Foods, country dinner - chicken breast with almond and flax meal, spinach and kale, cauliflower mashed potatoes (450Cals, 18F, 49P, 18C), 4g fish oil
8:00 PM - Cold Shower
8:45 PM - 8:00 AM - lights out*Probably 10 total hrs of sleep

I slept like complete garbage last night. Going to try to get a 1.5-2 hour nap after morning class. Was supposed to redo the CF Sectionals workout today but will push it to tomorrow in hopes of better sleep tonight. Will try 100% cold shower tonight before bed to see if that makes any difference.

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