
Life: Mine, Yours, and ways to make it better plus some other random musings. Enjoy!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

New goals

It is always important to have a goal, as if that saying hasn't been pounded into your head since you were a child. But, the fact remains that this statement is true. I have a few goals set within certain time frames that I would like to achieve this year and into the next:

Goal #1:
First Muscle-up (getting close to that one)
Goal #2:
Try to make it to Aromas, CA for the 2009 CrossFit games
-In the process of getting stronger and getting ready!
Goal #3:
Get CF gym out of the garage and into a REAL place.
-Soon my pretty....

Those are just to name a few. I will keep a continuing blog on new goals, achieved goals/PR's etc. I have really been focusing on Olympic weight lifting recently. I am doing a "hybrid" CF program consisting of C&J's, Snatch, OHS, BS, DL, and a short metcon 3-4 times a week after heavy lifting. So, hopefully with this I will get that much stronger and ready for next year and the CrossFit games '09.

Other News:
I have been IF'ing (Intermittent Fasting) now for a few weeks. It's going great. I have so much more energy during the day. I normally do it 2-5 times a week. I'm not losing any muscle and the fat from my 5 weeks of SS and GOMAD is slowly coming off. More to come on that.

Snatch Drills
Worked up to 115#
5 rounds for time of:

3 Hang Power Snatch, 95#
6 OHS, 95#
9 Pull-ups (chest to bar)
200m run

Time - 14:38
--That's my "sweat angel" from this workout today.
Other Workouts done in the past few days:
135# C&J
1 reps the 1st minute
2 reps the 2nd minute
3 reps the 3rd minute
...until you can't complete the number of required reps in that minute
-7 rounds +6 reps O U C H
AMRAP in 10 min. (Mind you this is after some heavy C&J's and Back Squats)
12 Deadlift, 95#
9 Hang Power Clean, 95#
6 Front Squat, 95#
3 Push Jerks, 95#
3 rounds + 12 DL's + 9 HPC (first round was done with 135#, the originally prescribed weight)
As Rx'd was:
5 rounds of:
15 Deadlift, 135#
12 HPC, 135#
9 FS, 135#
6 PJ, 135#
So, those were pretty brutal...

Today was a good day to come back after being injured/lazy for the last couple of days. I retaped my pull-up bar with athletic tape and that works out really well. NO pain on the hands this time!
Tonight I am going to the DU banquet in Denton. It should be a good time, as it was last year. Now I am rambling and there is no sense in carrying this any further. Off to compile a list of goals for October 2008 - October 2009........

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