
Life: Mine, Yours, and ways to make it better plus some other random musings. Enjoy!

Friday, March 6, 2009


So I have found out about the structure of the competition. It will be the same workouts as described in the previous post, but instead of my assumed 3-4 hour break, there will apparently be only roughly 2 hours. I don't know what to think about that. That seems like a short amount of time to recover, but I digress. I will just have to suck it up and hit it hard (That's what she said).
I had the chance yesterday to see the first workout in action. Mike went ahead and blew through it in 5:29. A remarkable time! This was done with chin over bar kipped pullups, chest-to-ground pushups, and 225# deadlifts. Great effort. Makes me even more nervous, especially if they bring the CrossFit Games pull-up standard into play: Chest-to-bar! That sould tack on some time, though all-in-all it will still be a great time. Mike is going to attempt the second workout today, so I have yet to hear the report on that one.
Other news, there are some ladies joining the fun. Bevin (YAY!), Lindsey, and Coleen are all going to compete as well. My hats off to them in hopes they do great and make it through without injury. That being said, I can only hope that for all of us!

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