So I have decided that I've become a bit off, shall we say, with my diet and health in general. I'm not saying I'm unhealthy, just that some things are starting to slip up and its time to get back on track yet again. I have some obvious cortisol and insulin issue that I keep putting off and need to take care of. You will see that on the first post of pictures. I have NEVER since I've been doing this stuff taken 30 days to truly find out what will happen if I clean things up 100% Paleo style. Below I will lay out what is involved with this personal challenge. I will keep this blog running daily on the start date with meals, thoughts, musings, and pictures of my success.
31 days
March 1 - March 31, 2011
1. No alcohol (wine, beer, liquor), caffeine, fruit, dairy, legumes, gluten, additives, drinks other than water.
2. No eating outside of my own cooking (exceptions will be Jason's Deli and Market Street salad bar options)
3. No eating after 5:30pm
4. No TV after 8pm
5. Best efforts to be in bed by 9pm every night
6. Allowable supplementation: BCAA's, fish oil, ZMA, Vit. D
7. Re-Feeds where I will add extra fat and sweet potatoes/winter squash to every meal after the first twelve days then every seven (Saturdays)
To display the effects of a solid diet, smart training, and plenty of rest and recovery.
**Please feel free to follow along with this challenge. It will be a hard 31 days but on the other side it will be well spent. If there are any questions or concerns please feel free to leave a comment. Start date is set for March due to the fact that Bev and I are taking our honeymoon at the end of Feb to Napa, CA. There will be some drinking involved.