
Life: Mine, Yours, and ways to make it better plus some other random musings. Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Sprinting as a function of training

Want to lean out, get faster, build muscle? One word...Sprints! I'm talking short, intense sprints that leave you laid out on the ground gasping for your next breath. Keep the volume low (5-10 sets, depending on distance) and the distances short (20m up to 800m). In addition to a solid S&C program (O-lifting, CrossFit, Power Lifting) sprinting can give you that extra edge you may be looking for. As for a recommendation on the number of times per week, 1 - 2 times depending on your regular training volume. Since programs vary, its really up to the athlete on extra volume they may be able to handle. Always start small and work up if need be. We have seen really good results at just once a week with varied sprints weekly. Monitor recovery and see what works best for you. The following are a few examples of varying sprint types:

First lets start with some rest variations: walk to start, 'X' amount of seconds/minutes, varying seconds/minutes based on pyramid, i.e. sprint rest 1:00, sprint rest 2:00, etc., rest as needed, or fartleks*
*This is typically a longer session with varying intensity and rest. A good example would be sprint 'X' amount of telephone poles, and jog 'X' amount of telephone poles for 'X' amount of time.

Using the above principles develop as varied a program as you'd like to get results. here are a few examples:

10x100m, walk to start
6x200m, rest 2:00 between sets
6x400m, rest as needed, do not deviate more than :02
4x800m, rest 5:00 between sets
(200m, 400m, 600m) x 3, rest amount of each sprint**

Play with these variations and create your own. You'll find some are harder than others. I know that few things leave me as sore as all out 100m sprints. For additional ideas visit **
-Happy training

Monday, November 29, 2010

A year + 1/2 off....

Well it's time to restart. I would have just restarted the entire thing, but there were some posts that I figured I would keep. If you go back through older posts there is some helpful info floating about.

-Why I decided to start this back up:
1. Because I don't have enough to do.... :/
2. Keeping up a blog for the gym is something we have to do on a daily basis but can't always put things on it that we want. This is my chance to get other info and points of view out there from my side and not a business side.

So, we will see how long I can keep this up.