This is a challenge brought forth by a CrossFit affiliate and if I can find the link I will post it. Basically the rules are this:
100 days
Add a burpee for each day
Day 1 = 1 burpee
Day 2 = 2 burpees
Day 3 = 3 burpees
and so on...
Miss a day and you have to make up for the ones you missed the next day
If you start after Oct. 20, 2008 you have to buy in for the amount missed
You can count them if they are included in your workout or you can do them after everything is done, or you can do them throughout the day. Just get them done! I am going to be doing them after workouts regardless of how many I do in a normal workout. This may change as the volume gets higher.
Day 01 Oct. 20, 2008 = 1
Day 02 Oct. 21, 2008 = 2
Day 03 Oct. 22, 2008 = 3
Day 04 Oct. 23, 2008 = 4
Day 05 Oct. 24, 2008 = 0
Day 06 Oct. 25, 2008 = 0
Day 07 Oct. 26, 2008 = 18 = 5+6+7
Day 08 Oct. 27, 2008 = 0
Day 09 Oct. 28, 2008 = 0
Day 10 Oct. 29, 2008 = 27 = 8+9+10
Day 11 Oct. 30, 2008 = 11
Day 12 Oct. 31, 2008 = 12
Day 13 Nov. 01, 2008= 0
Day 14 Nov. 02, 2008= 0
Day 15 Nov. 03, 2008= 0
Day 16 Nov. 04, 2008= 0
Day 17 Nov. 05, 2008= 75 = 13+14+15+16+17
To be continued...
Well...I am going to have to restart this one the beginning of the year. I just couldn't keep up with it, whether it be laziness or something else.
Still to be continued...
Friday, October 31, 2008
5 months to 20 Deadhangs
This one is going to be updated on my max deadhang scores as I do them. I would like to hit 20 by March 1, 2009 so that means a LOT of pull-ups and attempts at muscle ups and handstands. So, without further adue...
Deadhang pull-up MAX:
As of 10/30/2008
November, 2008
November 19, 2008
10 - Movin' on up!
Deadhang pull-up MAX:
As of 10/30/2008
November, 2008
November 19, 2008
10 - Movin' on up!
Road to boot:
One of two posts today since I have been lazy with all this!
First off lets start with training. I have ramped up the training shedule with mainly two-a-days for 3 weeks leading up to the 10k Mud Run race on Saturday, November 8. A training day will typically entail some form of running/sprinting, weights, and/or swimming. So let me break down this weeks scedule:
1.75 mile run with boots and a 10# weight vest
10 rounds of;
100m hill sprints in VFF
10 pushups at top of hill
walk down to rest
This is all the work I did on this day. I went out with Drew to Lake Lewisville to scout for ducks with the season opener coming up this Saturday, Nov. 1st.
Handstand progressions
10 DB squat cleans, 30# DB's
10 Box jumps
10 Squat Clean Thrusters, 45# bar
Squat Clean 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
185 F missed rack
195 F too much weight maybe
5x50m ALL OUT sprints
3:00 rest between rounds
Bear Complex
6 reps of each movement w/out letting go of the bar
Hang Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
Back Squat
75#, 85#, 95#, 105#
pullup work
27 burpees to catch up
500m row warmup
25 OHS with bar
Handstand progressions
Back Squat
5 rounds of:
5 pullups
5 DB squat cleans, 45# DB's
5 Burpees
Time - 6:44
Bevin mad 2 miles today!!! I think thats the farthest she has ever run. Muy Muy props to her and we are going to continue to beat her ass so she can get a sub 20:00 3 mile!!!
Great job Bev. I am proud of you.
1.25 mile run in a 10# weight vest to track
4x400m sprint intervals w/ 200m walking rests between rounds
1.25 mile run in 10# weight vest back to house
First off lets start with training. I have ramped up the training shedule with mainly two-a-days for 3 weeks leading up to the 10k Mud Run race on Saturday, November 8. A training day will typically entail some form of running/sprinting, weights, and/or swimming. So let me break down this weeks scedule:
1.75 mile run with boots and a 10# weight vest
10 rounds of;
100m hill sprints in VFF
10 pushups at top of hill
walk down to rest
This is all the work I did on this day. I went out with Drew to Lake Lewisville to scout for ducks with the season opener coming up this Saturday, Nov. 1st.
Handstand progressions
10 DB squat cleans, 30# DB's
10 Box jumps
10 Squat Clean Thrusters, 45# bar
Squat Clean 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
185 F missed rack
195 F too much weight maybe
5x50m ALL OUT sprints
3:00 rest between rounds
Bear Complex
6 reps of each movement w/out letting go of the bar
Hang Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
Back Squat
75#, 85#, 95#, 105#
pullup work
27 burpees to catch up
500m row warmup
25 OHS with bar
Handstand progressions
Back Squat
5 rounds of:
5 pullups
5 DB squat cleans, 45# DB's
5 Burpees
Time - 6:44
Bevin mad 2 miles today!!! I think thats the farthest she has ever run. Muy Muy props to her and we are going to continue to beat her ass so she can get a sub 20:00 3 mile!!!
Great job Bev. I am proud of you.
1.25 mile run in a 10# weight vest to track
4x400m sprint intervals w/ 200m walking rests between rounds
1.25 mile run in 10# weight vest back to house
Thursday, October 9, 2008
New goals

It is always important to have a goal, as if that saying hasn't been pounded into your head since you were a child. But, the fact remains that this statement is true. I have a few goals set within certain time frames that I would like to achieve this year and into the next:
Goal #1:
First Muscle-up (getting close to that one)
Goal #2:
Try to make it to Aromas, CA for the 2009 CrossFit games
-In the process of getting stronger and getting ready!
Goal #3:
Get CF gym out of the garage and into a REAL place.
-Soon my pretty....
Those are just to name a few. I will keep a continuing blog on new goals, achieved goals/PR's etc. I have really been focusing on Olympic weight lifting recently. I am doing a "hybrid" CF program consisting of C&J's, Snatch, OHS, BS, DL, and a short metcon 3-4 times a week after heavy lifting. So, hopefully with this I will get that much stronger and ready for next year and the CrossFit games '09.
Other News:
I have been IF'ing (Intermittent Fasting) now for a few weeks. It's going great. I have so much more energy during the day. I normally do it 2-5 times a week. I'm not losing any muscle and the fat from my 5 weeks of SS and GOMAD is slowly coming off. More to come on that.
Snatch Drills
Worked up to 115#
5 rounds for time of:
3 Hang Power Snatch, 95#
6 OHS, 95#
9 Pull-ups (chest to bar)
200m run
Time - 14:38
--That's my "sweat angel" from this workout today.
Goal #1:
First Muscle-up (getting close to that one)
Goal #2:
Try to make it to Aromas, CA for the 2009 CrossFit games
-In the process of getting stronger and getting ready!
Goal #3:
Get CF gym out of the garage and into a REAL place.
-Soon my pretty....
Those are just to name a few. I will keep a continuing blog on new goals, achieved goals/PR's etc. I have really been focusing on Olympic weight lifting recently. I am doing a "hybrid" CF program consisting of C&J's, Snatch, OHS, BS, DL, and a short metcon 3-4 times a week after heavy lifting. So, hopefully with this I will get that much stronger and ready for next year and the CrossFit games '09.
Other News:
I have been IF'ing (Intermittent Fasting) now for a few weeks. It's going great. I have so much more energy during the day. I normally do it 2-5 times a week. I'm not losing any muscle and the fat from my 5 weeks of SS and GOMAD is slowly coming off. More to come on that.
Snatch Drills
Worked up to 115#
5 rounds for time of:
3 Hang Power Snatch, 95#
6 OHS, 95#
9 Pull-ups (chest to bar)
200m run
Time - 14:38
--That's my "sweat angel" from this workout today.
Other Workouts done in the past few days:
135# C&J
1 reps the 1st minute
2 reps the 2nd minute
3 reps the 3rd minute
...until you can't complete the number of required reps in that minute
-7 rounds +6 reps O U C H
AMRAP in 10 min. (Mind you this is after some heavy C&J's and Back Squats)
12 Deadlift, 95#
9 Hang Power Clean, 95#
6 Front Squat, 95#
3 Push Jerks, 95#
3 rounds + 12 DL's + 9 HPC (first round was done with 135#, the originally prescribed weight)
As Rx'd was:
5 rounds of:
15 Deadlift, 135#
12 HPC, 135#
9 FS, 135#
6 PJ, 135#
So, those were pretty brutal...
Today was a good day to come back after being injured/lazy for the last couple of days. I retaped my pull-up bar with athletic tape and that works out really well. NO pain on the hands this time!
Tonight I am going to the DU banquet in Denton. It should be a good time, as it was last year. Now I am rambling and there is no sense in carrying this any further. Off to compile a list of goals for October 2008 - October 2009........
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