
Life: Mine, Yours, and ways to make it better plus some other random musings. Enjoy!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Got up to the gym early this morning. Had a good workout and no fasting today.

Thats me after "Grace"----------->
135# C&J, 30 reps in 5:38

500m row 1:57.0
Back lever progressions
Muscle Snatch
Heavy Single
85% x 2 x 3
Heavy single
85% x 2 x 3
5 pull-ups
10 pushups
15 squats
AMRAP in 10 min.
9 rounds + 5 pullups
Right :30 x 2
Left :30 x 2
Front :30 x 2

I guess tonight I am going to try to take the dogs for a walk. It's too nice outside not too.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Ohhhh Monday...

Well the weekend is over and its time to get back to reality, somewhat. I had a great weekend. Friday night we went to celebrate a friends promotion. Then Saturday I got out for some last minute teal hunting. We saw a lot of birds so hopefully our spot will pan out for the actual season, just have to get the damn boat running. After the hunt I went to the STX garage gym and got in a little workout.

Workout: (Saturday)
135# C&J, 30 reps
For time
TIME - 5:38

This was my first time to do this one and it was pretty brutal, but wickedly fun. I also got to watch Lindsay set a new PR on Deadlift; 215#. That's pretty bad-a. After that we cleaned out the garage and spent a good 5 hours outdoors. I'm keeping true to my promise! Good times. Saturday night we went out for Morgan's b-day. Sunday we took the dogs on a walk that ended up being around 2 miles or so. Did that barefoot. Feet are starting to toughen up a bit. The dogs had a great time. Then I watched the Boys lose to Washington. Blug.
My diet was crap for the weekend as well. Too much beer. I think thats really the only problem with my diet is that I like beer too much. Gonna have to work on that. other than that, I got in lots of protein and fat and little carbs (besides the beer). This has me wondering though if eating more fat while drinking or in the same day is spilling more into my fat cells, than being used for energy????? I will have to study that further.

500m row
Back Lever Progressions
Rack Jerk behind the neck
Heavy single; 85% x 1 x 3
Back Squat
85% x 3 x 5
Sprint Intervals
Load TBD by dice rolls

Quote of the day:
"Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." - Matthew 6:34

Friday, September 26, 2008

Get out and have some fun!

Exactly what the title says. Last night I went on a walk, barefoot, with the dogs. It ended up being over a mile. Not too short, but no too long either. It's nice to get out like that every now and then. It lets one appreciate the outdoors, if you can call a suburban neighborhood the outdoors. So here is a new goal to be implemented:

"I, state your name, do hereby promise to get outside for at least 30 min a day, excluding workouts. In doing so, I will better myself and bring about more appreciation for nature."

That wasn't so hard now was it? As humans, we were made to be outside. Go hike along the unbeaten path. Go run down a unknown trail. Go fish in a local pond. Go bike. Go throw the damn ball for your dog. Play frisbee. Play a pickup basketball or football game. Just get outside!
Thought for the Day:
"Lift heavy, eat right, drink less, live happy." - Brandon Head
Fast = 18.5 hours breaking at 3:00pm till whenever. All day eats tomorrow!
Got in just over 2400 calories yesterday @ 58:34:8 - bison and salmon were main fare.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Ahhhhhhh Rest.....

Quote of the Day:

"You have to take care of your 640 muscles, and the number one thing is exercise. You can eat perfectly but if you don’t exercise, you cannot get by. There are so many health food nuts out there that eat nothing but natural foods but they don’t exercise and they look terrible. Then there are other people who exercise like a son-of-a-gun but eat a lot of junk. They look pretty good because the exercise is king. Nutrition is queen. Put them together and you’ve got a kingdom!" - Jack LaLanne

Well today is a rest day for me. I take a rest day on Thursdays and Sundays. A 3/1/2/1 program. Sometimes I may miss a Saturday bu thats because I am doing something outdoors. I only got in 1800 calories yesterday, but I did go fishing. Should've taken some food with me. But that is the whole point to the IF thing, is to not be a slave to food. I will just eat a little more today. My feeding window yesterday was 7 hours. I am fasting today for 20 hours, with the feeding window starting at 4:30pm and ending by 8:30pm. That means I need to eat a helluva lot. Guess I will just have to throw some ice cream into the mix.
On to fishing...I decided to get old school with it and bought some night crawlers and went to a local pond. Caught 20-25 little bream and some fish I didn't recognize. i'm no greenhorn either. I'm going to have to look that one up. I'm thinking maybe it was just a small sand bass that ended up there. So, it was a great time and a good way to bring back memories of my childhood.
This morning I was supposed to go duck hunting with Justin but got stood up...Whatever. i'm still a little bitter about that.
If I come across something interesting today I will post it.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Here Fishy Fishy...

Hopefully after work and workout today, I will get to hit the pond for a little relaxation. Nothing beats a couple of hours of solid fishing...well, maybe some things. I am going to try to go Teal hunting in the morning....hurray for guns and hunting.
Ahywho, I am working on a 17 hour fast today. Through I have been getting around 60-65% Fats, 30-35% Protein, & 5-10% Carbs and aywhere between 2900-3500 calories. I have been tracking that for the last couple of weeks or so and belly fat seems to be creeping up. I think I'm going to switch this up a little and go for a 50:40:10 combination and cut down the total number of calories to around 2400-2500. It's a little more manageable in a 5-8 hour feeding window, not that I don't like to feel miserable all the time. So we will see how that goes for a couple weeks. I am still trying to find the right combination. Guess I will just be a little bit warmer come winter.
On to the workout for today:
500m warmup row:
Back lever progressions (This is my hopper movement for now and will be until I can hold a full back lever for 10 secs. - so far I have a tuck b-lever for 5 or so secs after 1.5 weeks of practicing. It's coming along nicely)
Got up to 8 seconds +...maybe 10. It was hard to count accuratley when your head feels like its gonna pop.
Clean & Jerk
90% x 1 x 3
Front Squat
85% x 2 x 3
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 3
270 x 2
305 x 5
5 rounds for time:
8 pullups
4 box jumps
TIME: 3:24

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

First time for everything

I have finally done it. Finally broke down and created a site of my own, along with every other person in this world. We will see how it goes. I will be posting random thoughts, ideas, feelings, training logs, basically anything I want to. Maybe a picture every now and again too. This is also a test to see how long it will last, as I may not post everyday but trianing days will always be posted. Let's do it...

500m row warmup: 1:50.0
Back Lever Progressions
Muscle Snatch
Heavy Single
65#, 85#, 95#, 100#, 110#, 115#, 125# F, 115#
80% x 1 - 115#
70% x 2 - 100#
80% x 1 - 115#
70% x 2 - 100#
80% x 1 - 115#
Heavy Double
100#, 115#
45# x 10
400m run
21 KB swings, 53#
12 Pullups
TIME: 12:49

Felt pretty good today. Workout was 9 hours into my fast. I am gonna push the fast to 20 hours today. This will be the longest one thus far. Fasting seems to give me more energy throughout the day, so it's been a definite plus. I haven't seen any body comp. changes yet, but its still new so I will report more on that later.
Update: Broke fast at 19.5 hours. Had good energy levels afterwards.